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Sunday, June 22, 2008
ROLF charity run
It was a charity run held in INTI.
I met my friends there and then we went to mid valley....
two lines two pictures for now, ciaoz^^
Posted by
Lee Chon
1:23 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
这是我第一次用华语来写我的blog因为我认为写那些facts,evidence等用英文比较容易而且方便 但是 如果要写出我比较实在的感想 总是认为用华语才能让它 真实表露出来. 毕竟平时我交谈时是华语, 我现在就是要用比较轻松的心态 来写 来说. 我喜欢华语的直接, 我喜欢英语的幽默.
我很少买衣服, 因为每次要选 我都觉得差点点 所以最后就什么都没买. 好不容易, 刚才我买了些裤子.
妈妈回家劝我道, 要做的事情就要趁着做, 要买就快点买, 不然以后就恐怕每机会了......
于是我撒了个娇(哈哈,男生撒娇吗?)说 我要很多东西, 你都没买给我的...
妈妈便问 你要什么啊?
实际的, 应该有的, 我都有了吧...
Posted by
Lee Chon
10:16 PM
Labels: Moments to Relax
Monday, January 7, 2008
A short summary of 2007^^
January, I went to attend IELTS course with Chee Wei. Guess what, we met Miao Pin and YiQing the first day there on the bus. In that course, I know some friends, they are Ooi Eng San From Chung Lin, Sim Yi Wei from Ping Hwa, cshiangTan from Melbourne University, John Lee Jun Xian..now in taylor under JPA. And guess what again, we met Su San and Jing Hui there, friends that I have lost contact long time ago. The duration of the course is about 1 mounth. Started in January, ended in January.I attended MAT(Mensa Amission test) in January and I manage to get into that club. But frankly, I am a dead member in that club. Anyway, I know one new friend there when I was attending the MAT. He is WeiSern, an STPM leaver in 2006.^^
February, I went here and there for CNY celebration. I have posted a brief history in my previous entry, please click HERE.and I went to some education fair. One of them is Star education fair held in PISA in Penang. The first day there, I met Ibrahim friends as I travelled alone there.
For the second day, I went with my classmates, those that I still remember now are yewei, eeyong, irene and HuiLiang. haha^^ I came back together with yewei and hre family as only both of us stay back to listen for the medic talk.^^We have our dinner and haha his father treated me, which was great..LOL...
and I spent much of my time chatting online..LOL..that time was really fun^^
March, I was introduced about ReCom and I started to post there but not so active though. I obtain my result in mid-March. The night before we collected out result, we had a meeting, with our classmates, in Regiz's house.
haha, the most interesting part is all of us witnessed LIVE Koo Kien Keat and Tan Boon Heong in taking the title in All-England.
That time, Koo Kien Keat's hair is still long lar.^^Then, after obtaining my result, I went for YTM camp with some of my friends. They are eeyong, ChiaChean, XingLi and Ken. Eeyong's father drove us there. We went back by our own, from Taiping Bus station. Seriously, It was fun but I am not going to write in details here. not now, perhaps some other time.^^
I have my YTM interview there.
I was the leader for group one. Our facilitator is Pak Long. He was and is a great guy. Too bad, all of us neither have camera phone nor camera, we just manage to take one photo, from Haqqa, a national debater from my group.^^
April, I am addicted in ReCom now. There are tonnes of information regarding scholarship application and this month is really the peak for these. I had my JPA interview this month. I became the agent for yewei for scholarship questions, LOL. Just after I finished my JPA interview, I got to know that I was selected for PETRONAS Educamp. And I was then preparing for that again. I was kinda motivated, especially the night before the educamp started. I was in room 8 with Chuang Hwee that night.^^He is a friend I knew from YTM camp.
And then, My friends celebrated my birthday with me. They brought me a birthday cake and celebrated with me in my house. Then, we went to YeeHao's house and GIANT together. haha, although it has been a long time, but still I wan to Thanks them for celebrating for me.^^
May, Miserable. I was quite frustrated when I found out I dint get JPA. I wanted to go overseas so much...
I phone, I sms until to YB Wei(Wei Jia Xiang)...
I was blacklisted by JPA because of Petronas...
I waited and waited and waited...until 31th of May, result for appealing still havent come out...I phoned JPA, to check whether the status of my appealing...and they told me, "nope, I dont want to give you false hope, you chance of getting is closed to zero."
So, I decided to accept for UTP, last minute work as MISC is "nagging" me already because 31 of May is the deadline to accept the offer. Before that I also phoned to UTP and MISC asking for delay and I even wrote in official letter but was rejected. ok, finally, I cashed in the money.
The next day, I dint get JPA again, I phone YB Wei...and then I got this SMS from them:
"I think I hv 2 make it clear 2 u tht u r the 1st priority in our total appeal list n we hv passed u a very clear msg on tht 2 tolak petronas n now the final list is adopted n announced n the seats r fully filled."
well, I was guilty.

June, what I remember now is I participated in Penang Bridge Run 2007. In 2006, the whole class of us excluding four girls went for the run but this year just left me alone. So, I stay at my relative's house for one night, thanks for her as she fatched me to USM...haha, YiWei, the girl I knew from British Council, saw me walked to USM and that was around 3 am in the morning, what was she doing there that time?haha...

July, the month where all of my friends have gone to study including me.
August until November...life in UTP, which I have posted many entries that time.
December, Holiday^^
I went to KL to meet Chia Chean on 1st of December and we paid a visit to Eye On Malaysia together with his 6 other friends from KBU.

Then, I stay at WaiBoon's house on second of December and on third, I went to genting with UTP friends, those who went are FooPiew, Gary, JV, Wilson, Joel, WanSin, MeiLi and me, haha^^.
we took more than 100 pictures there, I belive more than that very much...

Then, I went back to SP, finally!^^
haha, I met many old friends in my hometown.
then, in mid-December, which is 15th to 17th December, I went for an aadventurous camp in Balik Pulau together with ChiHau. and I got the most adventurous camper^^ while ChiHau the Best Camper^^
Here are some of the pictures.^^

haha, This is me^^
and for the first time, I saw a Meteor!^^

Then after coming back from the camp, ChiHau and me were going to genting together.
We go together with Liming and ue and Liming's cousin.
We celebrated ue's birthday there.^^I bought the cake from Baskin R.^^
The worst thing happened to me is I vomitted there...T.T...haha
Well, 2007 has been a wonderful year, that was a great ending.^^
Thanks, enjoy~
Posted by
Lee Chon
4:25 PM
Labels: Moments to Relax
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Some Random Pictures
Winning...We(Hun Ming, Kin Fai, Ming Hui, and me) appear to be the first team to solve this puzzle without teacher's help, Thanks to Ming Hui's trick...LOL......we follow the cutter path...
The completed puzzle!
Night scene in UTP......
Night scene......
Shoes spoilt in UTP, so bought new one in the nearest town, Taman Maju, but spoilt again as I fell down from the bike......
Posted by
Lee Chon
2:25 AM
Labels: Moments to Relax
In UTP, I have joined a project management, which is EDX.
EDX stands for Engineering Design Exhibition. Basically, we are having exhibition ofr those Third Year Project and Final Year Project of UTP students.
It will be held on 24 and 25 Oct. I am joining the PnP department (Publishing and Publicity), so my job scopes are basically make people know about this event.
We design nametag, clothes ..etc etc..
We hang the posters, banners, streamers, etc all around the UTP.
Here are some pictures of the preparation of our department.
A meeting??
The boy o the ladder on the right hand side is me!!
The one in the middle wearing cap is me...
I am the one on the left...
So, which one is me now?
That's all for now
Posted by
Lee Chon
1:59 AM
Labels: Clubs and Societies
AIDS awareness Campaign
There was a campaign about AIDS awareness on 03 OCT, I attended and I have learned some really cute information regarding AIDS. I was rushing two labs that day and I skipped some of the parts of the event, but stil, I enjoy the campaign overall.
(and......all of us are given a sample of condom(DUREX)) :l
Ponder this statement:
AIDS is treatable but not curable.
Here are some information regarding treatments
Current treatment for HIV infection consists of highly active antiretroviral therapy, or HAART.[83] This has been highly beneficial to many HIV-infected individuals since its introduction in 1996 when the protease inhibitor-based HAART initially became available.[6] Current optimal HAART options consist of combinations (or "cocktails") consisting of at least three drugs belonging to at least two types, or "classes," of anti-retroviral agents.
Typical regimens consist of two nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NARTIs or NRTIs) plus either a protease inhibitor or a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI). Because HIV disease progression in children is more rapid than in adults, and laboratory parameters are less predictive of risk for disease progression, particularly for young infants, treatment recommendations are more aggressive for children than for adults.[84] In developed countries where HAART is available, doctors assess the viral load, rapidity in CD4 decline, and patient readiness while deciding when to recommend initiating treatment.[85]
Here are some pictures taken that day.......
It is May Yun (facing away from the camera)
The facilitators....
(from left)May Yun, Samuel(international Student), AIESEC Malaysia President..forgot her name, and me.
I am really concerned of AIDS problem now......I hope that there is a way to overcome this issue, scientist should have work hard! I will try every means to help those AIDS victims too if and only if it is not beyond my ability larrr...
Posted by
Lee Chon
1:39 AM
Labels: AIDS
Mooncake Festival?
Guess what have I devoted myself to for the first time celebration of mid-autumn festival ever in my life?
Have a look of some pictures first......
(Notice that in every picture above, there is a boy wearing in black with red stripes? That is me! and my job is throwing the fake flowers towards the dancers......and that is how I start my first celebration of lantern festival.hahaha.)
After that we have "treassure hunt" by carrying the lantern...
(Using my not-so-good-handphone to capture the pictures, so the effect is not-so-good too, sorry la..)
That's all for me now.
Posted by
Lee Chon
12:52 AM
Labels: Moments to Relax